Last July, the National Academy of Sciences released this report on Field Stations:

Schubel, J. R., Conrad, C. C., Debinski, D., Kareiva, P. M., Matsumoto, G. I., McKnight, D. M., Parmeson, C., Plowes, R., Power, A.G., Power, M.E., Stromberg, M.R.  (2014). Enhancing the Value and Sustainability of Field Stations and Marine Laboratories in the 21st Century. Report of the National Research Council of the National Academies of Sciences, pp. 1–84.

This entire report can be downloaded at  It describes the critical importance of field stations in the 21st century, but also charges those who use and care for them with being more entrepreneurial in order to sustain them through an era of declining federal grant support for science in the United States.

Here, you can also view a film that features four different Angelo sequences:

Field Station book

National Academy of Sciences Report on Field Stations