National Academy of Science report & video Enhancing the Value and Sustainability of Field Stations and Marine Laboratories in the 21st Century (2014) Video 3 minutes and features 3 clips from the Angelo Reserve. Amid rapid environmental change, a strong understanding of the natural world is more important than ever. Field stations and marine laboratories place scientists on the front lines of our changing Earth, helping them gather the data needed to better understand shifting climate and ecosystems and make robust projections of future conditions. Field stations are a critical component of our scientific infrastructure that bring the basic tools of science into the field and connect scientists, educators, and communities to the environment. But to fulfill their vital role, field stations must evolve. This report explores strategies to harness the power and potential of field stations to address complex challenges in science and society.
Ecology of Rivers and Coasts – Food Webs and Human Impacts Mary Power (and Duke University marsh ecologist Brian Silliman) gave four Holiday Lectures for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s BioInteractive education program. The river lectures were partially based on 30 years of Angelo Research. These lectures can be found online here.
Spine Film Productions, funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, documented the Eyes on the Eel survey team here.
KQED QUEST Tracking Raindrops July, 2008, 9 minutes. We all rely on the water cycle, but how does it actually work? Scientists at UC Berkeley are embarking on a new project to understand how global warming is affecting our fresh water supply. And they’re doing it by tracking individual raindrops in Mendocino and north of Lake Tahoe, learn more here.
UC NATURAL RESERVE SYSTEM Mapping the Future Documentary 2010, 1 hour. The University of California Natural Reserve System offers scientists unmatched opportunities to conduct large-scale research projects on protected landscapes. With 36 sites located throughout the state, the UC NRS is the largest University-managed reserve system in the world, providing a biologically diverse network for research and education.
“Mapping the Future,” a 1 hr. documentary funded by NSF illustrates the value of the UC NRS by focusing on the Angelo Coast Range Reserve in northern California where multidisciplinary scientific teams are conducting a number of ground breaking studies on the impacts of global climate change, learn more here.
Freshwaters Illustrated presents RiverWebs: A documentary film about life, death, science, and streams 2007, 1 hour. RiverWebs chronicles the inspiring life and work of the pioneering Japanese ecologist, Dr. Shigeru Nakano. From his boyhood exploration of Japan’s mountain streams to his leadership of an international effort to understand river ecosystems, Nakano’s life demonstrates the unquenchable curiosity and bold creativity that drive scientific discovery. Yet it is Nakano’s tragic death that shows us the profound personal impact of his life, and reveals what is perhaps the greatest scientific strength… community. Running time 57 min.