In their September 6th, 2018 issue, the Mendocino Observer discussed the 5-year findings report from the Eel River Recovery Project (ERRP)’s algal survey of the Eel River watershed. In collaboration with UC Berkeley, particularly former UCB grad student Keith Bouma-Gregson, the ERRP deployed 332 cyanotoxin monitoring devices in the Eel  from 2013-2017. They found that cyanotoxin-a levels were highest in the South Fork Eel River during most years, and that low flows and high air temperatures contributed to an early start and increased colonization of harmful cyanobacteria. To read more, see this copy of the 9-6-18 Observer and/or visit the ERRP website at

The full 5-year cyanotoxin report can be viewed here:

Thank you to Pat Higgins for reporting and providing a copy of the article.


5-year ERRP findings featured in Mendocino Observer