The Angelo Reserve is available to any qualified student, teacher, or researcher whose use has been approved by the Reserve Manager, in consultation with the Faculty Manager. A basic application must be completed to access and use the Reserve. All proposed research is reviewed by the Reserve Manager and the Reserve Faculty Director prior to arrival. Initial inquiries about research should be sent to the Reserve Manager using the Contact Form.
A class or group application requests basic information about the visit, as well as a brief statement concerning the purpose of the visit. A research application requests information concerning the nature of the research, and questions about animal use and collecting permits.
Projects and other activities will be carefully evaluated for their scientific or educational merit, and, importantly, for their impact on the natural resources and values of the Reserve. A guiding principle for the Angelo Reserve and other UC Natural Reserves is that present use should not compromise the ability of future investigators to learn about past or present processes in the natural ecosystems represented at the site. A rule of thumb for the Angelo Reserve is that if major legacies of a proposed use are predicted to last more than a few years past the termination of the activity, it will not be approved unless the scientific opportunity to learn about the ecosystem is truly unique and extraordinary. The evaluation of use impact will take into account both the nature and intensity of the manipulation or activity, and the resiliency of the areas to be used. For example, holes from sediment excavation in the river channel will disappear during scouring winter floods during most winters. Sediment excavation on steep hillslopes, on the other hand, could oversteepen banks, leading to long term erosion and inputs of damaging fine sediment into the river channel.
For projects and activities that are approved based on their merit and potential impact, approval will be based on a first come, first served basis, subject to the following prioritization:
- Long term research (e.g. dissertation) will have priority when it conflicts with teaching or outreach activities. All reasonable efforts will be made by researchers, however, to accommodate (e.g. by accepting temporary re-arrangement of housing, etc.) short-term teaching and outreach activities that do not severely disrupt their projects.
- When there are more activities proposed than the Reserve can accommodate, priority will be given to:
- researchers whose project requires this protected natural site (as opposed to researchers whose projects could feasibly be carried out in other more commonly represented environments
- researchers affiliated with UC Berkeley (including collaborative partners
- researchers at any other U.C. Campus
- researchers at other colleges and universities.
We do not foresee needs for these restrictions in the near future, however .
For additional information, see: